The Little Company



Spread The Truth



     One encouraging feature which we noticed in the little company here is that they are all anxious to have special efforts made to spread the truth in this large city, well knowing that such labor will involve efforts and responsibility on their part.  

     If those who have received the truth will let their light shine out to others in meekness, holiness, and love, they will be a power for good in the world. Every truly converted soul will, like Daniel, Ezra, and other faithful servants of God, stand as a witness for him amid the almost universal apostasy. They will catch the divine rays of light shining from God's word, and will reflect it to the world. If his servants under the former dispensation were to shine brightly, as lights amid the darkness, how much more should we in this age, when in addition to the light which they had, we have all the increased light which has since been shining from God's word and from his dealings with his people. When the Christian church was established, the light of heaven was in the midst of it, and its bright beams penetrated everywhere. So it should be now.    

     God has given the individual members of his church ability to exert an influence on other minds. He expects all to improve in ability by putting to exercise the talents he has lent them. The pen, the power of speech, and the affections sanctified, are to be used in his work of enlightening the world. And as we thus work in his order, he will be constantly renewing, sanctifying, elevating, and increasing our powers, that we may accomplish a greater amount of good. The Christian no longer asks, What is agreeable to self, or for my own interest? but, What is God's will? what is for his glory, and the good of my fellow-men? How can I be instrumental in the salvation of souls? Every one who is a partaker of the divine nature will feel the burden of souls. He will love as Christ loved and work as Christ worked, expecting the reward at the end of the warfare. What is needed in every church is the vitalizing spirit of Christ, earnest, practical piety. In Christ we can do all things; without him we can do nothing. 

RH, October 26, 1886